

9 a.m. - 2 p.m. 入住登记

10-10:50 a.m. 一般会话


In this session we will examine several ethical dilemmas presented by filmmakers in mainstream cinematic films and discuss the implications of the decisions made by the characters. Ethical decision-making is all around us and examples in films can give us rich examples on which to hone our abilities to make tough decisions.

  • Dr. 大卫罗宾逊, Assistant Professor of 管理, 斯科特商学院, 电子游戏试玩, 1st Vice President of the Mental Health Association of Vigo County

    Dr. Robinson is an assistant professor of management in the 斯科特商学院 at 电子游戏试玩. His research interests include learning and innovation in organizations and competitive strategy. 在教学方面,博士. Robinson encourages students to examine entrepreneurial opportunities and engage in learning through experiences. At ISU his students created and operate the Executive Express Cafe learning laboratory and provide organizations with consulting services through the Sycamore Business Advisors.

    在来ISU之前,Dr. Robinson taught global and strategic management ingraduate programs in healthcare at Texas Tech University and the 研究生 School of Business at the University of California - Irvine. Dr. 罗宾逊获得了博士学位.D. 来自威斯康辛大学麦迪逊分校, his 工商管理硕士 from Indiana University - Bloomington and his BBA from UW-Madison. He is First Vice President of the Mental Health Association of Vigo Countywhere he focuses on providing additional community supportive housing for mentally ill residents of Terre Haute.

主持人: Ms. Julie Alig,保险与风险管理电子游戏试玩

地点: HMSU Dede 1

11-11:50 a.m. 并发会话

A. 付费游戏?

As college athletics become larger, should student athletes receive gifts or money? What ethical dilemmas could arise when college athletes are paid or compensated?

  • Ms. 安吉兰辛, 商务事务助理体育总监, 高级女管理员, 电子游戏试玩

  • Mr. 格雷格·兰辛美国电子游戏试玩男子篮球总教练

  • Mr. 乔尔·麦克伦, Assistant 体育运动 Director for Compliance and Eligibility, 电子游戏试玩

  • Mr. 特伦特英里,电子游戏试玩橄榄球总教练

  • Mr. 罗恩优雅电子游戏试玩体育主任

主持人: Mr. Zack McAdams, 会计 Major, 法务会计 Minor

B. 你会怎么做??

How do your ethical decision making skills hold up when placed in compromising situations?

主持人: Ms. Kendra Lindsey, Financial 服务 Major, Legal Studies and Civic 领导 Minor

C. 伟大的社会保障辩论

An in-depth look at the Social Security system and the inherent ethical dilemmas. This session will present varying viewpoints on how the history and development of the system has shaped the views of society. The debate will be an intellectual examination on the future of Social Security as the inter-generational gap becomes more apparent, 以及可持续性的预期水平.

  • Dr. 保罗事实美国电子游戏试玩经济学教授

  • Dr. Terrie Troxel博士, 保险及风险管理教授, Gongaware中心执行主任, Interim Executive Director of the 网络金融研究所, 电子游戏试玩

主持人: Mr. Doug Gehrke, 工商管理 Major, Economics Minor

D. 保险业的道德困境:

How far will insurance companies go in order to make their business succeed?

  • Mr. 沃尔特·布兰登印第安纳保险公司

  • Ms. Dondra赢得印第安纳保险公司

主持人: Mr. Ryan Teppen,保险与风险管理电子游戏试玩

E. “我”能带来多大的改变啊?:

When iGAAP becomes standard, will it do more good than harm or vice versa?

主持人: Ms. 艾登·迪尔曼,管理电子游戏试玩

F. 跨国公司伦理全球化

Come check out how Rolls-Royce is working to globalize ethics for multinational companies!

  • Mr. 查尔斯·J. Giesting,劳斯莱斯北美公司企业道德经理

  • Dr. 威廉·威廉, 程序 Coordinator and Professor of Business Education, 信息, 和技术, 电子游戏试玩

主持人: Ms. Jaycee Hackney, 会计 Major, 法务会计 Minor

G. 发薪日贷款人或债务供应商:

支票到现金业务是个好主意吗, or are they hurting the economy and their customers by charging the highest interest rate possible?

  • Dr. 罗伯特平息我美国电子游戏试玩经济学教授

主持人: Mr. Matt Illingworth,主修金融,副修经济学

H. An Inter-Professional Discussion of 道德 in Health Care:

Should we have universal health care, or should it only be given to those who pay for it?

  • 芭芭拉·巴蒂斯塔, SP, BS, PA-C -应用医学系 & Rehabilitation – Physician Assistant, 电子游戏试玩

  • 蕾妮·鲍尔, RRN MS - 部门 of Baccalaureate Nursing, 电子游戏试玩

  • 肖恩·格拉默, MSPA, PA-C -应用医学系 & Rehabilitation – Physician Assistant, 电子游戏试玩

  • 桑德拉Hendrich, PT, DPT -应用医学系 & Rehabilitation – Physical Therapy, 电子游戏试玩

  • 切丽Howk, Ph.D., FNP-BC – 部门 Chair of 部门 of Advanced Practice Nursing, 电子游戏试玩

  • Leamor Kahanov, Ed.D., LAT, ATC -应用医学系主任 & Rehabilitation – Athletic Training, 电子游戏试玩

  • 凯瑟琳•帕特森, Ph.D.应用医学系 & Rehabilitation – Athletic Training, 电子游戏试玩

主持人: Ms. Julie Alig,保险与风险管理电子游戏试玩

I. 好、快或便宜? 选择二:

Is it ethical to focus on the quantity rather than the quality of products, 当它可能导致安全问题?

  • Mr. 道格拉斯问. 琼,礼来公司六西格玛财务分析师

  • Mr. 拉里维. 坦纳, Six Sigma Champion, Manufacturing and Quality, Eli Lilly and Company

主持人: Ms. Kristina Hutson, 会计 and Financial 服务 Major, 法务会计 Minor

J. 大学终身教职的未来:

When a faculty member is up for tenure consideration, they must go before a review. 他们的评级是什么? 其他教员的决定有多道德? 学生们有多大的影响力啊?

主持人: Ms. Aubrey Hancock, 会计 Major, 法务会计 Minor

K. 债台高筑:

In addition to their tuition costs, student pilots are faced with incredibly high costs to fly. What is the ethical rationale involved with putting students in greater debt just so they are able to finish their degree?

  • 上校. 弗农博思韦尔, Instructor, Aviation 技术 程序, 电子游戏试玩

  • 上校. 肯Chirhart, Retired Delta Airlines 国际 Line Check 上校ain

主持人: Ms. 林赛·布托拉克,主修管理学,副修市场营销
