

生活学习社区提供了一个独特的机会,可以与其他学生围绕共同的学术或兴趣领域进行交流. 大多数有限责任公司都有共同的课程, 还有参加研讨会的机会, 演讲者, 而且活动只对社区里的人开放. 你们将一起生活和学习. If you’re interested in an experience that defines your first year at State, 我们为你准备了一段经历! Consider your options carefully, because you can only be a part of one.


航空生活学习社区的重点是帮助学生成功过渡到航空项目通过建立与他们的同龄人和航空教员的关系. 学生 who belong to the community will take a major-related course together in the Fall Semester, 以及春季学期的另一门电子游戏试玩相关课程. 另外, 有限责任公司的成员将有更多的机会接触航空教员, 顾问, and there will be unique experiences only available to students within the community.


商业有限责任公司旨在为斯科特商学院的学生提供任何领域的学习. 该学院提供十个不同的电子游戏试玩,并向寻求增强他们对商业热情的学生开放. 商业有限责任公司的居民可以从特殊活动中受益, 演讲嘉宾, and resources to strengthen their development as future professionals.


你能让水泥独木舟浮起来吗? Ever thought about building your professor their very own desk made out of corrugate? 设计一座最先进的建筑怎么样? 这是你的社区. 贝利工程与技术学院社区的学生将以独特的方式将他们的课堂学习应用到他们所在楼层和宿舍的活动中. 许多参加这个社团的学生将在秋季学期一起修一门电子游戏试玩相关的课程. 学生将在课堂内外与贝利工程技术学院的教职员工直接接触和互动.


对于那些热衷于帮助电子游戏试玩走向绿色的学生来说,生态代表的经历是一个独特的机会! 生态代表将一起参加一门课程, 在可持续发展办公室举办教育课程, and work to promote sustainability in their residential area. Some of these responsibilities will include educating others in your residence hall, 监控废物和能源指标, and planning programs/competitions to reduce our ecologic footprint. 生态代表将提前一周入住,并参加一个专注于团队建设和可持续发展的户外静修活动. 


性别包容社区提供了一个包容的环境,不需要特定的性别分配. 同意住在社区的学生必须与住宿生活签署第二份社区合同,承诺协助为社区中的所有人提供安全和包容的环境. 该社区将专注于为LGBTQ+学生和盟友提供和维持一个温馨的社区.


与对LGBTQIAP+问题感兴趣的学生在性别包容性社区的新性别包容性学者跟踪中找到社区! 这个LLC是为LGBTQIAP+学生和那些有兴趣了解更多关于性别和性行为以及在ISU建立社区的人准备的. 学生将住在性别包容性社区,并一起参加GNDR200(性别研究入门)的一部分.


This community is for students with majors relating to the health professions, 包括健康与人类服务学院, 还有牙科预科和医学预科, 等. 学生在这个选定的社区将有学习机会集中在发展卫生电子游戏试玩和超越. 如果你没有参加电子游戏试玩预科课程, you can check to see if your major is within the College of Health & 人力资源服务部http://jy6.babytripster.com/health/.



对于荣誉学院(荣誉学院)的申请者来说,很难知道什么最吸引他们:是有机会学习“阴阳界的哲学”(Philosophy in the Twilight Zone)之类的课程,还是有机会住在皮克尔(Pickerl)或伯福德大厅(Burford Hall), 我们最酷的两个宿舍. 拥有开放式休息室, 研究空间, 以及皮克尔的隔音练习室, 还有隔音练习室, 艺术家表演的舞台, 在伯福德有宽敞的会议室, 这些建筑非常适合优等生.

The 荣誉学院 offers a rich social and intellectual experience to high-achieving students, and was among the first to unite students in a residential learning community at State. 荣誉学生来自所有电子游戏试玩和背景. 一旦被大学录取, 他们在一门仅限荣誉学生的课程中研究广泛的话题,取代了标准的基础研究课程. They also work closely with faculty to invent brand-new learning experiences within their major. Participants and faculty become like family as they share small classes, 讨论组, 实地考察旅行, 出国留学. 保持联系很容易, because the 荣誉学院 Office is right on-site in Pickerl, along with a dedicated Honors classroom and plenty of room to socialize.


Integr8生活学习社区提供了一个强大的, 不同背景和身份的学生的过渡经历围绕着成功的8个支柱:

1. 自我意识

2. 学术

3. 职业成功

4. 包容的卓越

5. 领导

6. 社区

7. 身份的发展

8. 社会公平

Participation in a UC 110 course and a social justice course or workshop series, 以及一起生活在社区里, 作为项目的基本要求. 学生 come together and support each other as they navigate academic challenges, 发展人际关系, 探索不同的主题, 为明天的成功做好准备.

学生 will move-in one week early and engage with each other in building community, 教职员工来自整个校园, 了解电子游戏试玩所提供的一切!


我成功项目的创建是为了帮助历史上代表性不足的学生从高中过渡到电子游戏试玩. 我成功 addresses issues that commonly impede student success such as time management, 参与(学术和社会), 学习技巧.

Through 我成功 students can develop strong academic skills, leadership and professional skills that will help them throughout college and beyond. And by living in community together, students develop a community and network of fellow scholars.

我成功提供我成功成功策略课程, 旨在帮助学生成功驾驭“大学文化”,这是学术的结合, 与不像你的人进行积极的社交, 还有“成人101”.该课程的目标是平衡工作和生活, 在新环境中定义自己, 建立健康的关系, 行之有效的学习策略, & 校园的参与.



引领 is dedicated to developing students into future leaders on our campus and beyond. Student leadership skills will be sharpened through community service, 包容, 有效的沟通, 自我发现, 个人成长, 和参与. Members strive for excellence while keeping a positive attitude, 负责, 富有同情心的, 并为他人树立积极的榜样. 学生 will learn how to get involved with and affect positive change in organizations. 引领 will give students the skills they need to step up and succeed in leadership positions. 领班学生将提前一周入住,开始建立社区并熟悉校园. 引领 students also take a common course on the study of leadership together in the fall semester.



通用语之家可能适合你! 通用语是一个法语沉浸式社区, 德国, 日本, 拉丁, 或者西班牙语言和文化. 住在通用语社区的学生将有机会接触到一个喜欢策划文化饮食和文化活动的学生社区, 一起学习, 每天互动, 同时进一步发展他们的语言和文化技能. 学生们可以期待外出就餐, 每月协调文化活动, and the opportunity to study with other students in their specific language. 住在通用语社区的学生可以从社区里的任何人中选择室友.


Pathway to Blue is focused on helping students best prepare for their time at State and beyond. 学生 in this community take all their Ivy Tech classes on ISU's campus, 住在同一宿舍, 并且可以在校内用餐, 设施, 俱乐部, 和事件. A concentrated focus on helping students successfully transition to State through 研讨会, co-academic建议, 社区活动使通往蓝色的道路成为现实.


项目的成功 is a four-year transformative experience where students arrive early to transition, 与教职员工互动, and immerse themselves within the ISU community and their chosen career field. 学生可以期望: 
  • Participate in a first-year summer bridge program prior to the first week of classes
  • Participate in a living learning community that supports both social and academic success
  • Establish relationships with faculty, staff, and administrators from across campus 
  • 建立一个支持性的同伴网络
  • 了解校园资源 
  • 与上层社会的同龄人和校友导师交流
  • Complete a success class each year that is tied to their foundational studies curriculum. 这些课程将满足其基础研究类别中的四个,总共12个学分
  • Begin a comprehensive career readiness program linked to their 项目的成功 course
  • Introduce high impact learning experiences including but not limited to community engagement, 从实践经验中学习, 本科研究, 以及出国留学活动


参加后备役军官训练军团生活学习社区为学生提供了与其他对兵役感兴趣的人一起生活在社区的机会. Here you will have access to support networks and mentors within the 参加后备役军官训练军团 program, 并建立终身的人际关系,以帮助你在大学和军事生涯中获得电子游戏试玩和个人的帮助.  居民将体验传统, 海关, and comradery with current members of Army and Air Force 参加后备役军官训练军团 programs.

参加后备役军官训练军团 LLC的居民必须在各自的参加后备役军官训练军团分支机构注册为现役学员,并且在LLC的成员资格须经分遣队或营批准.


曾经受到过杰出老师的启发? 你想成为一名鼓舞人心的老师吗? 中学教育. 生活学习社区将英语和社会研究等各个领域的未来教师联合起来, 艺术与数学, 科学和语言-追求他们的激情. 你的社区成员, as well as those of past and future 中等教育 社区, will hopefully serve as a supporters and cheerleaders on your journey at ISU, and your professional network as you go out into the educational world. 除了上普通的课, students will have the opportunities to network with alumni who are currently teachers, meet with and discuss the art of teaching with some of ISU’s best professors, 加入与教学有关的组织. 学生们可以期待外出就餐 with residents and regularly coordinated events.


你是企业家吗??  你有自己创业的条件吗?  

SPARK生活学习社区将给你机会,让你周围的企业家和资源网络,将帮助你建立一个公司, 开发一个产品, 或者探索你的创业想法. 在你建立终身友谊的同时,在一个独特的社区中建立你的事业,让你有机会在充满活力的环境中获得实用的创业技能. 学生 will have the opportunity to attend pitch competitions, 与创始人交往, 与创业社区建立联系. 

To assist them on their journey to starting the next great business, students will also have access to the Sycamore Innovation Lab, 原型设备, 无人驾驶飞机, 3 d打印机, 图片/视频设备, 以及其他各种创客资源. 


The 转学生社区 is built specifically for transfer students. 作为一名转校生,我们理解这一点, you prefer a slightly different experience that what a new student might. Our staff give you all the tools bring you in to the Sycamore family quickly, 而不是用你可能已经知道的事情来压倒你.


我们最新的生活学习社区将为那些认为自己是拉丁裔或西班牙裔社区的一部分的学生提供空间和支持, 研讨会, 还有游戏之夜之类的活动, 家庭聚餐, 还有可能去特雷霍特以外的地方实地考察. The 拉丁x LLC will help students create a sense of belonging, 建立一个支持网络, 找到他们在国际州立大学的位置.